Before your Turfgrass Sod Arrives


Make sure everything that goes under ground is already installed like drainage systems, irrigation systems, electrical and other lines.


Loosen top 6 inches of soil with a rototiller or similar equipment. Add fertilizer. Add soil amendments if needed.


Rake area to remove rocks and debris.


For best results, make sure you have at least 6 inches of good soil uniformly over the area. Final grade should be even to 1” below adjoining sidewalks and driveways. (settling will occur if dirt is loose) Roll the entire area with a half-filled lawn roller.


A couple of days before turfgrass installation, water to a depth of about 6 inches to firm up the soil and reveal any high or low spots that need  final grading.


Determine exactly how much turfgrass sod you need and where you will use it before you order. Allow 10% extra turfgrass for trimming and fitting around irregular areas. Also be sure to have enough helpers on hand to get all the turfgrass installed and watered within 24 hours of delivery (even less in extremely hot or dry weather).


Carefully plan and mark where you want the pallets of turfgrass placed on the job. You’ll save time by not carrying sod all around your yard.